My Midwives Gold Coast

My Midwives Gold Coast is the joining of Steph Oliver from Midwives on the Coast and Gold Coast Midwifery Practice (GCMP).in February 2013.

My Midwives Gold Coast is a licensee of My Midwives, independently owned and managed. The business is Gold Coast Midwives Pty Ltd ATF Gold Coast Midwives Trust T/A My Midwives Gold Coast.
We are a private midwifery group practice of experienced midwives who provide antenatal, labour and birthing as well as postnatal services to women on the Gold Coast and surrounding areas. Women may wish to birth in a hospital environment or at home (depending on your risk factors). All midwives have provider numbers and can offer medicare rebates for pregnancy and birth care.

We are passionate about women's choices, and believe that every woman should have access to continuity of care during the scope of their pregnancy. We understand how important it is for women to have a known midwife during their labour and birth experience. You can self refer. We offer pregnancy testing and advice. We provide antenatal care, labour and birth care and postnatal care up until 4-6 weeks.
We offer postnatal care packages to women who wish to have breastfeeding and early parenting support and education. We refer for pregnancy blood testing and ultrasounds. We visit you in your home or you can come to our clinic for all your antenatal and postnatal care.
